Since we learnt about limericks
last week, I found a few for you. Hope you like them ! – Aadya Jajodia
There was a young lady of Crete
Who was exceedingly neat,
When she got out of bed
She stood on her head
To make sure of not soiling her
There was a young lady of Lynn
Who was so uncommonly thin
That when she essayed
To drink lemonade
She slipped through the straw
and fell in.
A fly and a flea in a flue
Were imprisoned, so what could
they do?
Said the fly, “Let us flee!”
“Let us fly” said
the flea,
So they flew through a flaw in
the flue.
An epicure dining at Crewe
Once found a large mouse in his
Said the waiter, “Don’t
And wave about,
Or the rest will be wanting one
A cheerful old bear at the zoo
Could always find something to
When it bored him to go
On a walk to and fro
He reversed it, and walked fro
and to.
There was an old man who said,
Tell me how I should add two
and two?
I think more and more
That it makes about four –
But I fear that is almost too
There was an old man from Peru
Who dreamed he was eating his
He woke in a fright
In the middle of the night
And found it was perfectly true.