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By Jinali Modi

                        UNDERWATER LIFE 

                           THE GOLDFISH 

                             By Jinali Mody


The sea looks ordinary from outside but inside there is an adventure going on.


The fish I’m going to talk about is a goldfish. There are many varieties of goldfish. Goldfish were first found in China about 1000 years ago. Since then, they have been introduced to many parts of the world. Despite its name, the goldfish is naturally greenish-brown or grey, but centuries of selective breeding have produced a variety of colours including golden, black, white and silver.


Types of goldfish include:


  1. The lionhead goldfish
  2. The vee tail or fringetail goldfish
  3. The plain goldfish
  4. The black telescope-eyed goldfish
  5. The Chinese Chakin goldfish
  6. The silver goldfish from China
  7. The calico-oranda
  8. The peacock-tailed goldfish
  9. The Chinese pearl-tailed goldfish
  10. The celestial goldfish
  11. The Japanese hanabusa goldfish
  12. The Chinese seibungyo goldfish



                         By Jinali Mody

                 THE STEGOSAURUS


The Stegosaurus was about 6 metres long and had a high, arched back and a small head. It moved about on its four five-toed limbs. Two rows of triangular bony plates stood upright on its back and gave it protection. If I ever met a stegosaurus I would count how many bony plates it had on its back.


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                              THE BRONTOSAURUS



The Brontosaurus lived in the Jurassic period. It weighed about 30 tonnes and measured about 20 to 25 metres in length. It had four massive pillar-like legs that ended in broad, clawed feet. It had a very long neck and a small head. The tail of the Brontosaurus was also very long and slender. Its small, weak teeth show that the Brontosaurus was a herbivore (plant eater).


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                     THE DIPLODOCUS
The Diplodocus was the longest dinosaur that lived on the earth. It was 25 metres long. It weighed less than 10 tonnes. It had a long and slender body. Its tail made up half its length. It had a small head and tiny, blunt teeth. The Diplodocus had a long neck which allowed it to submerge itself in deep waters, and still hold its breath above.
If I ever met a Diplodocus, I'd measure its length !
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                           THE BRACHIOSAURUS


The biggest dinosaur that lived on Earth was the Brachiosaurus. It weighed about 100 tonnes. Its front limbs were longer than its hind ones, so that its shoulders were higher than its hips. It had a small head on top of a very long neck. Its nostrils were on a dome-like structure on top of its head. The Brachiosaurus could therefore wade into deep water, away from the carnivores on land, and still breathe. The Brachiosaurus was a vegetarian dinosaur.


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Let's Discover Insects
By Meghna Bajaj
Qn: How do grasshoppers jump?
Ans: A grasshopper's back legs are long, thick and strong. Often a grasshopper needs to jump a long distance or to get away from an enemy quickly. It will strecth out its back legs and spring up into the air. Then, by flying, it can go even further.
Qn: What is an ants' nest like?
Ans: It is called an anthill. It has lots of rooms. Worker ants take care of the eggs and feed baby ants in those rooms. The queen ant is the head of the colony. She lays eggs while other ants take care of her.



                       By Anushka Kapur



There are many types of birds, but I will only talk about one – that is a Dodo.


A dodo is an extinct bird which used to live on islands in Australia. Do you know how this bird got its name? It used to be very foolish and whoever used to see this bird used to call it a dodo. So in this way, everyone called this innocent bird a dodo. That is how it got its name.


Do you know how dodos got extinct? I will tell all of you. The dodo was a large flightless bird like a pigeon, living on the island of Mauritius. All dodos were wiped out when people first came to their island. Some were eaten by people and the rest by the pigs and rats introduced by man. By the middle of the 18th century they were all extinct.


So, my friends, this is how the dodos got extinct. I wish I could help them, but I cannot. But I can help the other birds that might get extinct.


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